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Frequently Occuring Confusions
(or what some people call FAQs)

Q: Is there an age limit in place for applicants of the workshop?

A: For the fiction workshop, the preferred age range is 18-24; for nonfiction, writers under between the ages of 18 and 30 may apply. 

Q: Do I have to pay for the workshop?

A: No, both workshops are fully funded for all the participants. No registration fee is required.  


Q: Do I have to pay for my own travel?
A: The workshop covers accommodation, tuition, and meals during five days of the workshop. Participants are responsible for covering their own travel to and from LUMS. 

Q: Does the workshop provide accommodation?
A: Yes, applicants are offered a place in on-campus accommodation in the student hostels at LUMS. (Subject to availability.)


Q: Can I opt out of on-campus accommodation?

A: Yes, students with off-campus accommodation in Lahore may choose to live off-campus. 

Q: How long do I have to wait after my application to hear back?

A: The application evaluation process usually takes about two weeks. 


Q: Will I receive a certificate at the end of the workshop?

A: All participants receive a letter of completion. 


Q: In case I am not shortlisted for the workshop, can I reapply for the workshop the following year?

A: There is no bar on reapplication for applicants who have not attended the workshop. 


Q: Can I apply for the non-fiction workshop and the fiction writing workshop at the same time?

A: The two workshops are aimed at different segments; but if your writing practice spans both nonfiction and fiction, you are welcome to apply to both workshops with separate writing samples. However, a participant may attend only one workshop. 


Q: Will the workshop be held in-person online?

A: It is an in-person residential workshop. 


Q: Is the workshop for English writers only?

A: Yes, both workshops are for writers writing in English.  

Q: How long should my writing sample be?

A: For fiction workshop: 1000 words max. (Less is fine.) 

For nonfiction workshop details are specified on the application form.

Q: Can I submit an already published piece as my writing sample?

A: For fiction workshop: Please submit an unpublished piece.

For nonfiction workshop: a story idea of 200 words is required,. Please also answer questions detailed on the application form. 

Q: Can I apply for more than one fiction workshop in one cycle?

A: No, you may only apply to one workshop

Q: I have previously attended the workshop, can I apply again?

A: No, applications from alumni of the workshop will not be considered.

For questions and queries, please reach out to us at

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